
Weekend Adventure Tours

Need to get away for the weekend? Looking to explore the Appalachian roads and byways? Don’t have months to plan that long adventure? A Weekend Adventure Tour is for you!

Tailored to 2-3 days, these shorter adventures allow you to get out and experience all the ups and downs, but not have to pack for those extended rides. These are usually planned loops, anywhere from 300-500 miles in length. Two popular loops are the Tour de Coalfields or Blackwater Adventure loop.

Accommodations are included, simply bring a bike, navigation equipment, and a smile.

BDR Guides & Logistics

You’ve heard about the BDR routes, you’ve watched the videos, but you simply don’t know where to start, other than downloading the route?

We can help by providing all the logistics and guidance. We put together a curated route that includes options for all the overnight stops, food and fuel options, support vehicles and transportation back to the starting point if needed. We try to take the guesswork out, so you can focus on having a good time.

Currently these only include the MABDR, NEBDR, and BDRX-PA Wilds.

DualSport Exploration

Whether you’re an experienced off-roader, or just hitting the dirt for the first time, we can help. We offer weekend exploration rides, to get you comfortable riding off-road (or on-road) if you’re new to dual-sport riding. These are basic rides in well known areas with many different levels of trails/roads for all levels of difficulty. Reach out to see how we can help.

If you simply want to check out some of our established routes, we have some of the single-day loops available in our Routes section.

Navigation / Route Education

Whether it’s paper maps, a Garmin Zumo, or your phone, navigation is one of the key parts of dual-sport and Adventure riding these days. If you’re new to GPX files, or need to learn the difference between a Route or Track, these classes can help.

We offer two classes currently:

- Navigation Basics

- Route Planning / Creation

Navigation Basics focuses on getting you ready to load up a .GPX file, and how to identify issues and ensure you know how to stay on course, or worst case how to find your way if you get off course.

Route Planning / Creation focuses on creating routes, scouting trails, creating alternates, logistic needs and more; everything you need to create that great adventure you’ve always wanted to do; but didn’t have a pre-routed file to follow.